lets see! i've done homework, played, watched dramas, and discovered i can be a teeeny entrepreneur! [its only 3:30 pm!]
ah, i'm lazy to do the explanation, let the pictures do the talking yo!
hi, this picture tells you that i've printed the compre worksheets and done them [although this doesn't say i've done them, you'll HAVE to believe me!]
it also tells you that...if all anglicans in sec three lose their badges, i'll have around 410 bucks for shopping :D
until i attempt to draw the words clearer, that is -.- my greenpen is too thick!
anybody nice can donate a thinner green pen to me? the words are screwed -.-
ahh yes, 1 buck for an entirely handdrawn paper badge, anyone? good deal right! it might prevent mrchua from knowing your name, hahahaha! [actually, i don't think anybody will buy it LOL]
they'll be safely stowed away into my wallet..for shopping funding HAHAHAHA.
[one would actually wonder about the word safe. ohwell.]
and so i got bored after the prelim paper;
ahh yes, the "healthy" metal balls.
according to my mom [or the shop which sold these] , rotating these balls are good for health.
well, i'll just treat is as entertainment, but hey, not bad for an artpiece too right? makes my room look big :D
that's how you do it, its pretty noisy, but pretty pretty too, at the same time. whatever.
next was lunch, i had shui jiao [gyoza!] with noodles.
watched HERO! the drama! :D
[sorry for the badquality screenshots, i used paint cause i was lazy hahaha]
eh, channel 8?!
sorry yes i know youtube sucks, anybody willing to lend me the dvd or at least better quality files i can put in my com? [same goes for nodame cantabile and pride and most of the dramas i've watched T.T]
he looked much nicer in pride though! :D
and firefox is really (y)! look at the orange tabscope!
and the windows vistatheme! and the foxy tunes! and mail notifier! youplayer! numbered tabs! coloured tabs!
gogogogo use it now!
oh, PLUS you can download videos from youtube or other streaming sites!
and yes, the healthy metal balls thing, reminds me of the hip-moving exercise machine kimutaku owned in the drama hero!
roflmao. the drama makes me laugh HAHA, i bet it'll be interesting since i like those crime solving things [for now i HOPE that's what it'll be about =X]
yup, i plan to finish 4 episodes today and finish by tomorrow/thursday! [yes ada, i think i'm REALLY a show addict, noooooooooo!]
game addict too. i've been playing typer shark, zuma, insanaquarium, bookworm, bejeweled! all deluxe versions hahaha. i love my brother man. privated de .__.
TYPERSHARK! nice game, i plan to attempt to see where's the top level, hmm. since its at level 7, i guess i still have some way to go. not difficult i guess
ZZZ DIED AT LEVEL 15! played for 33 mins hmm. shall try more :D
next, zuma! ;D my favourite game of the century!
hmm, just started playing also so its still at level 5 -.-|| but zuma is more difficult than typer shark zzz. ball spammage omg D: its SUPER fun!
bejeweled 2!
kinda difficult as the level goes higher, i prefer hexic, hmm D:
but its still fun i'll try playing more, hahaha!
ngik hiong: jiayou for your amaths

{thankyou! :D dno leh but i still think i'll fail it D:}
valerie: omg emma i saw your tag and clicked your link, saw your name on my blogskin and thought it was my blog too

{haha omg valerie we a both greatminds! :D hahahaha, i really went like "OMG" the moment i saw it lol! though i've not changed my skin for 1000 years LOL}
jianle!: wahsaii! you watched so many liao @_@ waha i only watched like what, 1/4 of what you watched? xD YAMAPIII {loves}
{haha yeah i think wahsai's the correct term man @.@ HERO IS NICE! :D and yamapi is like freaking cute right! :DDDDD go watch kurosagi movie soon man omg :D}
ada`: hahaha. Emma's a show-addict manzxzzxz. I see that you've watched so many of them -.-
{hahaha i think so manzxzxzzx! D: i think i shall watch less from now on. D:}
emma: nononono i watched some of them last year!
{do i have to reply myself? but yeah its true. though i admit i AM an addict D:}
its the kind of show i like HAHA! crimeinvestigation yay! [and i suspect there'll be something between kuryu and amamiya] what's any drama without romance sigh lol. i shall watch and see :D
project tomorrow yo! piano too!
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